
We Help You Grow Your Business!

Spaces for rent / sale

Spaces for rent and for sale for companies in development or reorganization. Offers in Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Brasov, Constanta, Sibiu, Oradea or other cities.

Also visit our dedicated websites:

Cea Mai Mare Oferta De Spatii Moderne Pentru Afacerea Ta

✅ Te ajutam sa-ti dezvolti afacere oriunde pe cuprinsul Romaniei.

✅ Adaptam suprafata si conditiile de inchiriere la nevoiel tale

✅ Iti asiguram tot suportul tehnic si comercial pentru finalizarea rapida a tranzactiei


Spatii De Birouri

Dezvolta afacerea ta in orice oras din Romania.


✔️Te ajutam sa inchiriezi sau sa cumperi rapid spatii de birouri in cladiri moderne.

✔️Alege din peste 550 oferte in tara si peste 450 in Bucuresti.


Spatii Industriale

Dezvolta afacerea ta de productie, distributie sau logistica cu Noi!

✔️Te ajutam sa inchiriezi sau sa cumperi rapid hale industriale moderne, cu acces TIR si avizare ISU.

✔️Alege din peste 350 oferte in tara si peste 150 in Bucuresti.


Spatii Comerciale

Deschide un nou magazin sau showroom oriunde in Romania!

✔️Te ajutam sa inchiriezi sau sa cumperi spatii comerciale cu vad comercial.

✔️Avem experienta in dezvoltarea de retele de magazine in orice oras din tara.

New Residences Casa Presei - poza 1.JPG

Evaluari Rezidentiale

Specialisti atestati A.N.E.V.A.R., te ajutam in procesul de creditare!

✔️Realizam rapoarte de evaluare pentru obtinerea creditelor imobiliare.

✔️Suntem acceptati de bancile romanesti si acoperim toate localitatile din Romania.


Evaluari Comerciale si Industriale

Sustinem afacerea ta in fata tuturor bancilor din Romania!

✔️Realizam rapoarte de evaluare pentru birouri, industriale, comerciale sau terenuri.

✔️Suntem acceptati de bancile romanesti si acoperim toate localitatile din Romania.

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Evaluari Bunuri Mobile

Te ajutam cu garantarea creditelor pentru bunuri mobile!

✔️Realizam rapid rapoarte de evaluare pentru echipamente, instalatii, utilaje, etc.

✔️Suntem acceptati de bancile romanesti si acoperim toate localitatile din Romania.

De Ce Activ Property Services?

Pentru ca te putem ajuta si pe tine asa cum am ajutat in ultimii 10 ani:

❇️ peste 250 de companii romanesti sau straine sa inchirieze un spatiu de birouri modern

❇️ peste 70 de companii din domeniile productie, logistica si depozitare sa inchirieze un soatiu industrial

❇️ peste 50 de comercianti sau distribuitori sa inchirieze un spoatiu comercial sau un showroom

❇️ peste 1,100 de companii sau persoane fizice cu rapoarte de evaluare pentru garantara sau taxe


Toate ofertele noastre sunt prezentate transparent si sunt actualizate periodic.

Platforme de ofertare dedicate 

birouri, industrial si comercial

Localizare exacta a cladirilor (adresa, pozitionare reala pe harta)

Poze reale ale cladirilor (exterior, acces si vecinatati, interior)

Descriere detaliata a cladirilor (caracteristici, functiuni, specificatii)

Planul etajului curent

Tehnologie mobile friendly

Informatii actualizate periodic

Instrument comparare oferte

Iată ce spun unii dintre clienții noștrii

Law of Tech

Paul Babuș

"Finding the ideal office was not an easy task at all. However, after several viewings, we had the chance to work with Activ Property Services, which made the whole process much easier.

The Activ Property Services team was always by our side, answered all our questions, and provided transparency and trust throughout this process."

Verified Tech

Mircea Chercheață

"I am delighted to recommend Ana Dărăbăneanu, a real estate agent from Activ Property Services, to anyone looking for an ideal workspace for their team.

My team and I were searching for a new office that would reflect our company culture and support our ever-changing needs. Ana listened carefully to our requirements and demonstrated a deep understanding of the office market in Bucharest.

Thanks to her expertise, she managed to identify a variety of spaces that met our criteria, saving us time. Her involvement didn't stop at just identifying suitable spaces.

Ana provided constant support throughout the negotiation and contract signing process.

Due to her professionalism and ability to guide us in the search for a new office space, the transition was quick and stress-free."

Trinity & CB Asig Group

Eugen Herdea

"I would like to thank the Office Department team at Activ Property Services for the support they provided in renegotiating the lease agreement for my company’s headquarters, Trinity & CB Asig Group, located at 25 Sava Henția Street.

I am glad we had the opportunity to work together and I wholeheartedly recommend Activ Property Services to both my clients and business partners."

Daric Group

Andrei Enache

"I would like to thank the Commercial Spaces Department team at Activ Property Services for the support they provided in negotiating the lease agreement for a retail space in the central area of Bucharest.
I am glad we worked together, and I recommend Activ Property Services to both my clients and collaborators.."


Real Estate Appraisal
Real Estate Appraisal

Real Estate Appraisal

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Road Infrastructure Development: Key to Romania's Logistics Sector

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Frequently Asked Questions About Office Spaces

Anyone looking to lease office space has likely prepared a list of questions to ask the property owner or real estate broker assisting them in finding the right location.

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Shopping Online or In-Store: Personal Choice or Necessity?
Shopping Online or In-Store: Personal Choice or Necessity?

So, what do you prefer: to experience the comfort of online shopping or to enjoy the charm of a stroll through nearby stores? The choice is yours!

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Colaboratorii noștri

Pentru serviciile de recrutare angajați și colaboratori colaborăm cu compania Morgan Sol SRL.

Pentru prezentări, broșuri și grafică colaborăm cu Activ Document Center.